Reactive Agent and Visualization System for Anesthesia Support in the Operating Room


Information overload of the anesthesiologist through technological advances have threatened the safety of patients under anesthesia in the operating room (OR). Previous monitors and alarm systems provide separate indexes of patient physiological states, potentially distracting caregivers from direct patient care. To solve this problem, a novel reactive agent and visualization system was developed to collect the relevant monitoring parameters in anesthesia and display them as a vivid and intuitive color coded animation. Our system presents a unified, contextually appropriate snapshot of the patient to the operating room team without requiring any user intervention. Deterministic rules were developed by anesthesiologists and integrated into the system to generate alarms of critical patient events. To validate the efficacy of the system, a retrospective analysis focusing on the hypotension rules was performed. Results show that even with vigilant and highly trained clinicians, deviations from ideal patient care exist and it is here that the system may allow more standardized and improved patient care and potentially outcomes.


medical, information system, computation, visualization, operating room, alarm

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