The Intellectual Rigor of Interdisciplinary Communication (Conversational Session)
Speakers and/or Moderators: Professor Donald Ropes, Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands / Professor T. Grandon Gill, University of South Florida, USA / Dr. Nagib Callaos, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, USA.

Julie Thompson Klein (Interdisciplinarity: history, theory, and practice, 1990) who, up to our knowledge, wrote the most comprehensive book on Inerdisiuplinarity. About the 40% of the book was used to list her references. With regards to interdisciplinary rigor she wrote: "Interdiciplinary work is often attacked for lacking rigor. However, rigor is not diminished. Rather, it is shifted from disciplinary criteria to a new interdisciplinary objective, to what (Singleton, 1983) a core sense of 'interdisciplinary rigor.' There are no scholarly defined standards for judging interdisciplinary works but Stephen Schneider’s three criteria for disciplinary excellence are quite appropriate. Excellence of interdisciplinary research can be measured in terms of (1) disciplinary clarity, (2) clarity of cross-disciplinary communications, and (3) the utilization and combination of existing knowledge from many fields to help solve a problem or to raise or advance knowledge about a new issue (Shneider, 1977)."

A purpose of this conversational session is to present a very clear way to assure a higher level of rigor in interdisciplinary communication, as related to disciplinary rigor. A main reason why "Interdiciplinary work is often attacked for lacking rigor" is probably because confusing the notions of precision and rigor. Disciplinary rigor is fundamentally based on the respective method and semiotic system. To translate from a disciplinary semiotic system to an inter-disciplinary one requires an additional creativity at the syntactical, semiotic and pragmatic level. This, in turn, potentially requires the creation of analogies (via analogical thinking), metaphors, and similes. These three notions are different and should not be confused or, much less, taken as synonyms. We usually are similar to our parents, but we are no metaphors or analogies of them. Metaphors are expressive tools while, analogies are thinking processes that usually precede and provide input to logical thinking (induction, deduction, abduction, etc.

A second purpose of this conversational session is to provide a first step for a multi-authors article(s), i.e. a collection of short research-essays (1000-2000 words each) which objective us to generate a special issue of the journal, which necessarily should be based on the short essay and on the reflections that might emerge from this conversational session. Among the references in the articles of the special issue of the journal should be included a minimum of references 1) to the collection of short essays, as well to this conversational session and/or to the workshop to be delivered by Professor Donal Ropes in the afternoon (2:00 PM – 4:00 PM), shown below The references to any of the videos may mention the time of the video for which the reference is being made. These references may be based on reflections related to agreeing or disagreeing with them, as well as expanding on the respective reference. If this plan is successful, then, a multi-authored book will be published and, hopefully a series on this very important subject. This would increase the awareness on this issue and, hence, may generate the regulative and synergic cybernetics loops between the disciplinarity and inter-disciplinarity. A very general presentation will also be made in this session with regards to this potential and possible cybernetic loop.

Shneider, S. N. (1977). Climate Change and World Predicamentemt: A case Study for inter-Disciplinary Research. Climate Change, 1, 21-43.

Singleton, R. J. (1983). Interdisciplinary Teaching with Humanists: Reflections of a Biological Scientist. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 26 (2), 304-314.

Thompson Klein, J. (1990). Interdisciplinarity: history, theory, and practice. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
How Growing Complexity Is Changing the Skills That Our Students Need (and How We Need to Adapt as Educators) (Participatory Workshop)
Professor T. Grandon Gill, Director of the Doctorate in Business Administration, College of Business, University of South Florida, USA; Editor-in-Chief of Informing Science; Editor of the Journal of IT Education; Founding Editor of Journal of Information Technology Education

If you survey employers about what skills they are looking for in our students, you will nearly always hear about the soft skills of communications, problem solving, collaboration and willingness to learn. More recently, creativity and resiliency have made frequent appearances on such lists. Unfortunately, while such lists are interesting, they provide us with little guidance with respect to what specific skills within each area needs to be the focus of our educational efforts at each level or what pedagogical approaches are likely to be effective in helping our students to develop the appropriate skills.

The workshop will begin by looking at the nature of task complexity, which is characterized as existing in three forms:
  1. Experienced complexity, which manifests itself in our mental and physical reactions to a task.
  2. Intrinsic complexity, which can be assessed through the study of the problem space used to perform the task, and
  3. Extrinsic complexity, which is driven by the relative fitness of task states and outcomes.
Based on an analysis of how these different types of complexity are evolving in today’s world, it proposes a variety of sub-skills that will be valued within the broad categories of skills that employers appear to desire.

The second part of the workshop will involve active participation by attendees. Through discussion, we hope identify both well established and novel educational approaches that would be particularly relevant to identify the skills needed to cope with today and tomorrow’s expected levels of complexity. No particular level of education is pre-supposed; suggestions applicable to primary and secondary school are as welcome as those for undergraduate, graduate and post- graduate education.

The participatory workshop’s goal is to help the facilitator develop a list of approaches that can be incorporated into the plenary session that he will be giving at the conference later in the week.
Inter-Disciplinary Communication, Analogical Thinking, and Collaborative Learning (Participatory Workshop)
Speakers and/or Moderators: Professor Donald Ropes, Business Research Centre, Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands / Dr. Nagib Callaos, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, USA.

In this workshop the presentation will be limited to 20 minutes from the two speakers, then Professor Donald Ropes will engage the participants with each other in a a mock-up version of an interdisciplinary project meeting. After making and introduction to the concepts of analogical thinking, interdisciplinary communication, and interdisciplinary research, participants will work in groups of two or more and come up with ideas about three aspects of inter-and transdisciplinary work, namely the state of the system (épistémè), what the new system should look like(praxis, poïesis) andhow to change it (phronēsis). The context will be our own teaching and learning paradigms. During the workshop data will be gathered on the topic of promoting and implementing interdisciplinary research ,which will be used for further discussions in the conference, as well as for the potential a multi-author article and/or for a special issue of the jounral similarly to how it was described above in the conversational session on “The Intellectual Rigor of Interdisciplinary Communication.”

Professor Donald Ropes has a large and diversified experience on the method to be used in this workshop and, by experience, he knows that it is very effective for interdisciplinary work. This method will also produce data that we can use to write a paper for next year’s conference, as well as for the potential multi-author article (short research-based essays) and/or a special issue of the journal.
Cybernetics Relationships Between Disciplinarity and Inter-Disciplinarity (Conversational Panel)
Speakers and/or Moderators: Professor Donald Ropes, Business Research Centre, Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands / Dr. Nagib Callaos, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, USA.

Mostly, implicit relationships between disciplinarity and inter-disciplinarity will be presented. These relationships exists and are real, but they are not always perceived  son the can be adequately desing and implemented. Consequently, we will try to describe and make collective comments of the following relationships. We will aso distribute among the attendees a paper draft regarding with a little bit of details regarding these relationships and the potential danger of Intra-Disciplinary Incest where these cybernetic relationships are absent in a researcher or a research group.
Inter-National Networks and a Meta-Network for Inter-Disciplinary Communication for Collaborative Learning, and Meta-Education Support (Conversational Panel)
Speakers and/or Moderators: Dr. Risa Blair, Purdue University Global, USA / Professor Suzanne Lunsford, Wright State University, USA / Dr. Nagib Callaos, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, USA.

The purpose of this Conversational Panel is to describe the incremental Action-Design e incremental Implementation of Inter-National Networks and a Meta-Network for Inter-Disciplinary Communication (NmNIC), for Collaborative Learning, and Meta-Education Support. A more detailed draft will be delivered to this conversational panel in order to keep collecting data and information with regards to its Action-Design e incremental Implementation.

A first approximation to what would be as follows. We encourage the attendees and/or panelist to apply their critical thinking oriented to improve this initial idea or to comment on its potential unfeasibility.

Because of the incremental approach recommended, via Action-Design and Action-Learning, the initial step in the implemetation of (NmNIC), will be through a highly flexible, versatile and diversified organization, which might be substituted or complemented with international multidisciplinary societies and/or associations with less flexibility/diversity and with more specific purposes and means to achieve them.

Initially, (NmNIC), will be constituted by founding individual members who might later recommend:
  • organizational/institutional members,
  • local members (department, divisions, etc. of larger organizations)
  • national members: national associations or societies
  • regional members: geographical regions which might include cities in larger countries.
The recommended architecture for (NmNIC), is a federated network of networks where each node may be associated to both: individuals or groups. It is estimated that the initial nodes will be basically associated with individuals and later group/organizational/institutional nodes would be gradually included. Each indicidual may work toward the creation of a network, hence the name od Meta-Network or Network of Networks. (NoNIC)

The International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS) could provide the organizational support for the implementation and consolidation of NoNIC through the following means:
  • Hosting NoNIC’s meetings in the context of conferences organized by the IIIS
  • Including NoNIC’s publications in the context of the proceedings produced by IIIS and/or the Journal of Informatics and Systemics (JSCI)
  • Including information about NoNIC’s activities in the IIIS web page and in its conferences web pages.
  • Including informational material regarding NoNIC’s plans and activities to be delivered at the registration desks of the conferences organized by IIIS
  • Distributing informational content among the IIIS’s members via emails.
  • Using specific projects to be implemented by the IIIS in a synergic way with NoNIC. An example of these projects might be the one related to the Inter-National, Inter-Disciplinary, Integration Groups: IIIG. IIIGs might be an adequate bridge between the IIIS and NoNIC
  • Identifying synergic relationships between both organizations: IIIS and NoNIC
  • Other means on which both organizations might agree.
As we said above, a potential organizational bridge between the International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS) and the (NoNIC) might be the Inter-National, Interdisciplinary, and Integration Groups (IIIG)
How Growing Complexity Is Changing the Skills That Our Students Need (and How We Need to Adapt as Educators)
Professor T. Grandon Gill, Director of the Doctorate in Business Administration, College of Business, University of South Florida, USA; Editor-in-Chief of Informing Science; Editor of the Journal of IT Education; Founding Editor of Journal of Information Technology Education

Are we helping our students develop the right skills for participation in today’s workshop and society at large? By looking at how complexity is changing our world, the presenter will argue that much of today’s education would be a better fit with what we faced in 1960 than what our students will face in 2020. The presentation begins by looking at the nature of task complexity, which is characterized as existing in three forms:
  1. Experienced complexity, which manifests itself in our mental and physical reactions to a task.
  2. Intrinsic complexity, which can be assessed through the study of the problem space used to perform the task, and
  3. Extrinsic complexity, which is driven by the relative fitness of task states and outcomes.
Based on an analysis of how these different types of complexity are evolving in today’s world, it proposes a variety of sub-skills that will be valued within the broad categories of skills that employers appear to desire.

The second part of the presentation will identify potentially relevant educational approaches that were identified as part of a participatory workshop conducted early in the week. The goals is for the audience to come away with some ideas about how we can help our students better cope with complexity.
Orchestrating Interdisciplinary Research
Dr. Melissa R. Allen-Dumas, Urban Dynamics Institute and The Climate Change Science Institute, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

Just as in a world-class symphony orchestra, successful interdisciplinary scientific collaboration balances a diversity of perspectives within a common framework. In the same manner as each orchestral musician brings a distinctive voice and tone to the concert hall, each scientist brings an articulated domain of study and prescribed philosophy to a project. In any organization — musical or scientific — individual innovation and collective effort must be fully integrated in order to achieve an artistic realization or scientific discovery. The group’s conductor, or manager, must facilitate a creative, productive, and rigorous environment in which each member, individually and collectively, can thrive, achieve, and contribute.
Difficulties in Determining Data Breach Impacts
Professor John Coffey, Computer Science Department, University of West Florida, USA; Research Scientist at Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, USA.

This talk addresses the high level of uncertainty that exists in the assessment of damage caused by data breaches. I first create context by characterizing data security and data breach impact analysis as so-called "wicked problems." Such problems are inherently complex, multifaceted, not finally solvable, and involve competing concerns among various constituencies. In the talk, I address best estimates of costs to both organizations and individuals of data breaches and elucidate the uncertainty in making such assessments. The competing concerns of organizations versus individuals when data breaches occur are described. For instance, organizations have strong incentives to disclose as little as possible regarding data breaches they incur, whereas individuals want to know as much as possible about the data breach and its implications. The talk addresses inherent difficulties in digital forensics, which are exacerbated by the rapidly evolving field of digital anti-forensics. It elucidates the lack of standardized federal data breach reporting requirements in the United States and contrasts this state of affairs with the impacts of the European Union's "General Data Protection Regulation," (GDPR). The talk concludes with the viewpoint that organizations cannot provide assurances that individuals' data will be kept safe and with a discussion of various safeguards individuals may employ to protect themselves.
Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence - What Type of Research Is Conducted, Where Are We Going and What Will Be the Impact for Education?
Dr. Jalal Nouri, Coordinator of the Learning Analytics Group, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden

Today, learning is taking place in digital environments in which students leave large amounts of digital traces of their learning activities. The availability of these massive data sets in combination with powerful methods for data analysis (data science and machine learning) creates new opportunities for an in-depth study of learning. Therefore, in recent years we have seen the emergence of the research field of learning analytics (LA) that contributed to increased understanding of learning and to actual impact on practices. This keynote presents an overview of what have been and is currently done in the field of LA, and what can be expected in the future.
Creative Communication Strategies for Multigenerational Students
Dr. Risa Blair, Purdue University Global, USA; eLearning Instructional Designer

With the mix of generations in the classroom, we are facing multiple wins and challenges. The older students are more mature, but many are anxious about returning to school, especially in the online environment. Our younger students are quite tech savvy, yet don't necessarily transfer their tech skills to the online classroom. They also potentially lack identity in terms of their studies and experience.

Many of our students are in a rush! They don't want to read. They prefer to scan content – a few bullet points rather than long paragraphs, or summaries of articles rather than full articles. Although they are tech savvy, they want the personal touch in our classes. They are eager to learn.

Real-world learning – that's the key. Connect the content to their real-world life situations and future opportunities. They want to be highly engaged in the class in our discussions and seminars. Information needs to be relevant. Tap into our learners. Understand their needs and expectations. Deliver and reinforce the content their way! For instance, instead of a long page of text, you can use a video. Be flexible. If a student branches off in a highly relevant area in the discussion about which he or she is passionate, go with it.

Be supportive. Be respectful. Keep the bar high and guide students along the way to reach the bar. Get students excited. Tap into their different learning modalities. Work to reinforce concepts across channels – discussions, emails, voice, video.

This session will focus on the different generations and technology tools to help promote communication in the online classroom. Provide the students of the different generations the technology they appreciate, so they can not only master the content, but also have it their way and master the content. Acknowledge and support their learning styles and preferences.
Intelligent Systems, Ethics and Data Protection
Dr. Nicola Fabiano, Founder and CEO, Studio Legale Fabiano , Italy; President of the first San Marino Data Protection Authority; President of the Centre for Informatics and Forensic Innovation (CINFOR), Italy

Nowadays technicians cannot work without legal references. The intervention has the purpose of proposing some possible key points in the relationship among Intelligent Systems, Ethics and Data Protection. It is crucial to raise awareness of the value of personal data because belonging to a natural person. Paying attention to Ethics and Data Protection should be the correct pathway to address in practice the value of human dignity. How are technical solutions developed? What is the users' approach to technical solutions? Are users aware?
Digital Literacies as an Emerging Imperative in Higher Education
Dr. Lorayne Robertson, University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), Canada; Former Assistant Dean in the Faculty of Education; Former Director of the Graduate Programs in Education

Definitions of digital literacies abound in the literature, but much of the focus has been on the technological advances associated with online learning and the ubiquity of access to information. As a result, less attention has been directed toward aspects of the ethos associated with new literacies, such as the personalization of education, the design of open, collaborative learning spaces, and the need for scholarly research that is more flexible and integrated in its design. Today's doctoral students need to be strong communicators who can navigate in spaces characterized by cross-disciplinary, cross-generational and international discourses. These new literacy issues in doctoral programs are not minor, but are linked to the redefinition of the core work associated with doctoral education. This presentation examines some of the pillars of doctoral education, such as a focus on fields, and program elements such as comprehensive exams, and reconsiders these requirements through the lens of new literacies.
How to Prepare Future Professionals for New Generation Network Architectures
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexandru Soceanu, Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany; Coordinator of the EU project: "Distributed Online Campus on ICT Security"

Over the last decade, computer network researchers have taken advantage of the virtualization techniques and developed revolutionary technologies to allow network architecture to operate independently from its numerous hardware-based assets. At the same time, the much-needed protection against cyber security attacks has accelerated the development of new virtualized technologies.

This keynote speech focuses on new technologies for building network architectures (Software-Defined Anything) and New Generation virtualized protection tools (NGFW, NGIPS, NGSandbox). Munich University's hands-on virtual lab to teach online and face-to-face new technologies will be presented as an academic example of how to prepare future professionals for the New Generation Computer Networks.
Today's Challenges and Opportunities of Measuring Entrepreneurship – E-Ship
Dr. Timothy F. Slaper, Research Director, Indiana Business Research Center, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, USA

The Kauffmann Foundation and academic researchers alike have bemoaned the decline in business formation and E-ship in recent years. E-ship and innovation are considered major drivers of economic prosperity and growth. Is E-ship in decline and why? Is traditional measurement missing something?

Definition and measurement go hand in hand. How do we define E-Ship? Is it only motivated by opportunities in the marketplace? Is it motivated by the need of the entrepreneur to put food on the table? Does this matter? Is everyone with a side hustle an entrepreneur? A Lyft driver? Weekend wedding photographer? Are gig workers future entrepreneurs? How long do entrepreneurs retain their title as an entrepreneur? Is Bill Gates still an entrepreneur?

We review the official measures and sources of E-ship, from Census establishment counts to surveys (and the fact that response rates are falling). We review new sources and methods to find E-ship signals, from web-behavior to now-casting using Yelp to using Getty images and credit card transactions. We consider using internet archives – the Wayback Machine – for signals about company starts, closings and growth. We also highlight the role social media can play in tracking regional E-ship interest and networks. Finally, we outline an E-ship ecosystem modeling and data collection approach using complex adaptive systems, agent-based modeling and network analysis.
Competences 4.0 – How to Educate People Today to Live and Work in the World of Tomorrow?
Dr. Pawel Poszytek, General Director, Foundation for the Development of the Education System, Poland; Member of working groups of the European Commission and the Ministry of National Education of Poland.

The future of work: Demographic change, globalization and technological progress are three key trends that are very likely to affect the quality and quantity of lives and jobs in the next 20 - 30 years.

• Demographic change
Most of the developed countries will undergo a significant demographic change in the next decades. A sharp decline in the share of working age population is expected for example in Japan (-28%, -23% in Germany and Italy), while some countries expect a significant increase in the working-age population (+41% in Saudi Arabia, +33% in India, + 27% in Australia).
Countries with ageing population will experience a shortage of skilled and qualified labour force, as large cohorts will retire and disappear from labour market, which will also pose a problem for both pension and health care system. This will be reflected in the economy, which is likely to relocate its labour and resources from durable goods (cars, TVs) to services (health care, elderly people care). At the same time countries with younger and growing workforce, an opposite trend will be observed, with the expansion of the middle class and urbanization processes.

• Globalization
Trade has a growing share in the GDP of the developed countries, which makes the global economy integrated to a unprecedented level. The rapid fall of costs of communication an transportation has allowed for the integration of goods, services and markets and accelerated the pace of dissemination of innovations and technological progress. Global markets are thus globally interconnected, resulting, more than ever before, in “butterfly effect”.

• Technological progress
An increasing number of tasks and operations performed until now by humans is possible to be automated, especially given the rapid development of big data, artificial intelligence and the Internet of things, accompanied by ever-increasing computing power.

The three above-mentioned trends are more than likely to influence the education and work-related values of the 21st century societies, not only in terms of goods and services they demand, but also in their attitudes towards work. The work might shift from hourly-regulated to task-oriented, which could have a positive influence on work-life balance and health of the employees. At the same time, the place of work might change as well, as more and more tasks will be possible to be performed remotely, for example from the employee household. As a result, the boundary between “work time” and “private or family time” will slowly disappear and the idea of work-life balance might become “work-life integration”.

Skills and competences: Governments will need to ensure that workers are equipped with the right type of skills to navigate successfully through an ever-changing, technology-rich work environment. This will require high-quality initial education and training, but also good skills assessment and anticipation systems, the right types of incentives for individuals to invest in those skills most needed in the labour market, and the provision of effective, up-to-date and tailored information, advice and guidance. It will also require modern systems of lifelong learning to help workers adapt and update their skills over the course of their career.

Two types of skills are likely to be particularly important in the future. First, with the disappearance of routine tasks, growing emphasis will be placed on skills which are more difficult to automate. In particular, there is evidence that the labour market is increasingly rewarding soft skills such as the ability to communicate, work in teams, lead, solve problems and self-organise (e.g. Deming, 2015). Second, the importance of digital skills is increasing. While the demand for ICT specialist skills has been growing fast, the existing evidence does not suggest that major shortages are likely to arise. However, there is much more concern about individuals’ ICT generic skills, such as the ability to use communication and information search or office productivity software. Here, existing evidence suggests a significant mismatch between the demand and supply of skills (OECD, 2016d). Moreover, the concept of lifelong learning is worth stressing and further development. Workers will not gain job-related knowledge only at school or university. More and more often, they will acquire new skills and competences in the non-formal and informal education as well as at their place of work. Companies could therefore become also hubs of knowledge and take over the role previously reserved to educational institutions.
Knowledge-Transfer in End-User Computing
Professor Mária Csernoch, Faculty of Informatics, Mathematics and Computing, University of Debrecen, Hungary

In the most widely accepted approaches end-user computing is interface navigation in clearly distinguished office applications. However, it is proved that these approaches lead to erroneous documents, time consuming and frustrating document management on the part of authors and co-authors and require demanding comprehending skills on the part of the audience. In the present paper we argue that this misconception can be resolved by redefining end-user education and activities by putting the knowledge-transfer approach in the focus.
The Participatory Design Classroom: Using Participatory Research Methods in the Design Classroom
Professor Adream Blair, Co-Area Head, Design & Visual Communication, College of Design, Architecture, Art and Urban Planning, University of Wisconsin, USA

Designers (and future designers) face increasingly complex and global challenges in the workplace. While a high value is placed on innovation and collaborative, the preparation students receive in the classroom does not always provide them with the intellectual framework, the range of skills, the hands-on experiences or the leadership opportunities they will need to function as creative thinkers and versatile problem solvers in a global collaborative work environment. Participatory research plays an important role in the design classroom as an iterative process that balances collaborative enquiry and problem solving, critical reflection and self-evaluation. Herein lies the underlying theme of this talk: examples and ideas from using participatory and interdisciplinary research and teaching and learning spaces that empower the student.
Understanding Deep Web and Its Impact on Cybersecurity
Dr. Giti Javidi, University of South Florida, USA

The Internet is massive. On the surface, there is "visible" Internet, but below the surface is the "Deep Web", which has created space for underground cybercriminals. Nowadays, new technology such as encryption and the anonymization browser software have made it possible for anyone to dive deep into web. Some users use it to bypass local restrictions and access TV, download movies or pirated music. But some go deeper to take advantage of this online anonymity for illegal activities such as controlled substance trading, human trafficking, cyberattack, illegal financial transactions, and identity theft among many other activities. This talk touches on the Deep Web's global impact on cybersecurity and our society, and offers a forecast on how it could evolve over the next few years. The deep Web has the potential to host progressively high number of malicious services and activities. This talk will discuss the impact while shedding light on existing rules and regulations for governing Internet.
Integration of Inquiry-Based Learning with Real-World Problem Solving
Professor Suzanne Lunsford, Wright State University, USA

With the large experience Dr. Suzanne Lunsford is relating ans integrating research, education ans real life solving she will present 1) a systemic perspective of academic activities and 2) she will show who the level of education may be increased related her research ans real life problem solving in same educational process of her students. In this way, she will show that instructional processes, which are necessary educational means, might not be sufficient for an adequate level of education. Research may be taken as a means for inquiry-based learning, especially if it is oriented to solve real life problems.
Humboldt's Worldview on the Test Bench of Artificial Intelligence
Professor Detlev Doherr, Dean of the Bachelor Degree Programs, Head of the Institute of Continuing Academic Education, Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany; Director of the Steinbeis Transfer Center of Information Technologies, Offenburg, Germany

Our idea of nature is mainly based on the research of the German scientist Alexander von Humboldt, who carefully examined the complexity and diversity of nature and saw all elements integrated into natural processes, in which not a single element can be found isolated. His view of nature has become much more detailed through the knowledge of phenomena and natural processes, resulting in a more precise but largely unchanged view of nature, shaped by Humboldt.

Today's technological progress and the artificial intelligence of highly developed computer systems disrupt this view and will change the established world view through a new, unprecedented interaction between man and machine. Therefore, we need digital axioms and comprehensive rules and laws for such autonomous systems that determine human interaction between cybernetic systems and biological individuals. This digital humanism should encompass our relationship to nature, our dealings with the complexity and diversity of nature, and the technological influences on society in order to avoid technical colonialism through supercomputers.
Quality Instruction and Learning, Is It Taking Place in Our Classrooms?
Professor Em. Harry Hall, Associate Dean for Institutional Effectiveness, Director of Academic Planning and Evaluation, College of Adult and Professional Studies, Indiana Wesleyan University, USA

Is learning taking place in our college classrooms and online learning spaces? Are students reaching their academic and social learning potential? I propose to you that learning is our business and our responsibility. We need to step up to it. Efficacious teachers feel responsible for their students' learning. Learning leaders assume responsibility for the quality of instruction and student learning. Institutions hold their learning leaders accountable and assume responsibility for defining the overall learning and social outcomes for their students and monitoring their progress toward those ends. Students are responsible and accountable for assuming constructive learning profiles: being in class, following instructions, actively participating in learning activities, and having a positive attitude. This sounds so simple but we struggle to achieve those essential learning outcomes.
Interdisciplinarity and Complex Problem Solving: Implications for Education
Dr. Penelopia Iancu, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Université de Moncton, Canada

Researchers' interest for complex problem solving has increased because of observations showing that real-life problems are often complex, ill-defined and non-linear; problem-solving skills used to solve well-defined problems are not always transferable to complex problems; traditional strategies are less efficient when applied to complex problem solving (Funke, 2010; Jonassen, 2003). These problems are characterized by structural complexity, non-linear and unpredicatable dynamics and non-transparency (Funke, 2010; Quesada, Kintsch & Gomez, 2005). Implications for education include, among other things, changing the ways educators prepare students to solve complex problems and providing more opportunities for students to solve these problems collaboratively in interdisciplinary settings.
Ethical and Social Justice Issues in Internationalization
Dr. Madelyn Flammia, University of Central Florida, USA; Vicepresident of the Information and Policy Analysis Center, Inc. (IPAC)
Dr. Houman A. Sadri, University of Central Florida, USA; President of the Information and Policy Analysis Center, Inc. (IPAC)

The presenters will begin by discussing the challenges associated with intercultural ethics. Then they will go on to talk about related social justice issues and the challenge of incorporating these issues in our internationalization efforts. Next they will examine the way that many current efforts toward internationalization of the curriculum in U.S. colleges and universities may be heavily influenced by a Western perspective that does not adequately address ethical and social justice issues. Finally, the presenters will offer suggestions for addressing these challenges drawn both from relevant scholarship and from their own experience working to internationalize the curriculum.

Specifically, the presentation will cover these points:
  • Challenges inherent in intercultural ethics
  • Universal and Relative Approaches to ethical issues
  • Contextual Relativism
  • Social justice issues in internationalization
  • Western and Non-Western perspectives
  • Methods for overcoming a Western bias
  • Strategies for ethical internationalization efforts
The presenters will conclude by offering strategies for engaging in ethical internationalization efforts by drawing on scholarly research and on their own experience.
Participatory Plenary on Interdisciplinary Communication
Co-Chairs and Speakers: Professor T. Grandon Gill, University of South Florida, USA / Professor Donald Ropes, Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands / Dr. Penelopia Iancu, Université de Moncton, Canada / Dr. Nagib Callaos, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS), USA

The format of this session is similar to a participative panel, i.e. there will initial speakers, on the same topic and the attendees can ask, any speaker at any moment for making an interruption to ask any question or to add a comment. Each attendee is maybe a panelist in the sense than he or she can answer any question made by any other attendees.

The focus of this session will be focused on: 1) what is interdisciplinary communication (as different, for example, but very related, to interdisciplinary research? 2) why is it important and need more academic awareness?, and/or 3) how it might be achieved at the individual, group and/or Institutional level?
Relaciones Sistémico-Cibernéticas entre Disciplinaridad e Inter-Disciplinaridad
Nagib Callaos, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS), EE.UU.

Es evidente que no puede haber inter-disciplinaridad sin disciplinas. Lo que no parece ser evidente es que la Investigación, Educación y Communicación Inter-Disciplinaria son necesarias para 1) resolver problemas de la vida real, 2) subir el nivel educativo de manera que no se reduzca a la instrucción disciplinaria, 3) evitar el posible incesto intra-disciplinario, 4)  dar soporte a la preparación de estudiantes y profesores para acelerar el desarrollo personal, social y nacional de los países en vías de desarrollo.
Causas que Frenan la Comunicación Inter-Diciplinaria
Dr. Jacinto Eloy Puig Portal, Departamento de Matemáticas, Facultad de Matemática y Computación, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

La delimitación del objeto de investigación en campos y temas muy especializados, condujo a un aislamiento entre los científicos. Este modelo se reproduce en la estructura y funcionamiento de las universidades. La presencia de los problemas globales, ha acentuado la necesidad de la comunicación interdisciplinaria, sobre todo en la academia, donde se forman los contingentes de profesionales. Con el surgimiento de ciencias múltiples o híbridas, que delimitan su objeto de estudio precisamente en las fronteras de las disciplinas más tradicionales, se diseñan nuevas carreras, pero son pocos los espacios de diálogo interdisciplinario, se reduce lo nuevo al modelo preexistente.
Interdisciplinaridade e Ciências da Informação
Dr. Paulo Batista, Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades, Universidade de Évora, Portugal

A Ciência da Informação (CI) é o exemplo perfeito de como a comunicação interdisciplinar foi decisiva para se afirmar como ciência e superar perspetivas disciplinares redutoras/impeditivas da explicação do objeto de estudo. seu corpo central sustenta-se no legado das disciplinas que a antecederam: Arquivística; Biblioteconomia/Documentação; Sistemas de Informação. O campo científico da CI envolve, ainda, áreas próximas: Ciências da Humanas e Sociais; Ciências Exatas e Naturais; Estudos Literários e Artísticos.

Conclusão: O campo científico e de atuação da CI abarca áreas ativamente interrelacionadas, devendo ser fomentada pela permanentemente recetividade a potenciais contributos enriquecedores da sua área de estudo.