General Joint Sessions and Workshops of IMCIC 2019 and its Collocated Events
March 12-15, 2019 ~ Orlando, Florida, USA
Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence - What Type of Research Is Conducted, Where Are We Going and What Will Be the Impact for Education?
Dr. Jalal Nouri, Coordinator of the Learning Analytics Group, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden
Jalal Nouri is an associate professor at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University. Nouri have conducted research on technology-enhanced learning and published over 60 articles in international conferences and journals on topics such as digital competence, programming didactics, 21st entury skills, mobile learning and learning analytics. His dissertation was awarded the year's scientific achievement at Stockholm University. Nouri is today the coordinator of a research group of Learning Analytics and AI for Education at Stockholm University, and editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Learning analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education.
Today, learning is taking place in digital environments in which students leave large amounts of digital traces of their learning activities. The availability of these massive data sets in combination with powerful methods for data analysis (data science and machine learning) creates new opportunities for an in-depth study of learning. Therefore, in recent years we have seen the emergence of the research field of learning analytics (LA) that contributed to increased understanding of learning and to actual impact on practices. This keynote presents an overview of what have been and is currently done in the field of LA, and what can be expected in the future.