Sessions' Best Papers of the IIIS 2020 Conferences
24th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2020 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Automation of Manual Tasks to Reduce Musculoskeletal Problems and Absenteeism in a Cork Company (Virtual Participation) | Ana Luísa Ramos (University of Aveiro, Portugal) | Alfredo Silva; Marlene Brito; António Ramos (Portugal) | ||||
:: | Basic Study on the Mechanism of Earphone Hearing Loss – About Correlation between Ear Age and Real Age (Virtual Participation) | Yamato Fujii (Kogakuin University, Japan) | Hirotoshi Hishida; Atsushi Kawano; Keiko Hishida; Yasuhiro Hishida (Japan) | ||||
:: | Canvas Deceiver - A New Defense Mechanism Against Canvas Fingerprinting (Virtual Participation) | Muath Obaidat (City University of New York, United States) | Suhaib Obeidat; Taeho Lee (United States) | ||||
:: | Cognitive Analysis of Security Threats on Social Networking Services (Virtual Participation) | Karol Fabián (Matej Bel University, Slovakia) | Jozef Michal Mintal (Slovakia) | ||||
:: | Development of a Flexible Educational Platform Based on a HIL System, Focused on Enriching the Teaching-Learning Process of Modern Control Engineering (Virtual Participation) | Franz Hamann (Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Peru) | Omar Martinez; Gustavo Mesones (Peru) | ||||
:: | DevSecOps Pipeline for Complex Software-Intensive Systems: Addressing Cybersecurity Challenges (Virtual Participation) | Carol Woody (Carnegie Mellon University, United States) | Timothy A. Chick; Aaron Reffett; Scott Pavetti; Richard Laughlin; Brent Frye; Michael Bandor (United States) | ||||
:: | Experimental Validation of the DSTATCOM Based on SiC-MOSFET Multilevel Converter for Reactive Power Compensation (Virtual Participation) | Raúl Gregor (Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay) | Julio Pacher; Alfredo Renault; Leonardo Comparatore; Jorge Rodas (Paraguay) | ||||
:: | Information Security at Schools: A Practical Game-Based Application with Sustained Impact (Virtual Participation) | Regina Schuktomow (Technische Hochschule Wildau, Germany) | Margit Scholl (Germany) | ||||
:: | Lessons Learned in Adopting Agile Software Development at Enterprise Scale (Virtual Participation) | R. Cherinka (MITRE, United States) | S. Foote; J. Prezzama (United States) | ||||
:: | Micro Back-Markers on Thin Film of Scaffold to Measure Repetitive Local Contraction of Myotubes in Vitro (Virtual Participation) | Shigehiro Hashimoto (Kogakuin University, Japan) | Yuta Saito; Yuji Endo; Shun Shinoda; Shouki Toyota; Kiyoshi Yoshinaka (Japan) | ||||
:: | Plagiarism in an Online Learning Environment: Reflections on Best Practice Using the Analytical Lens of Behavioural Science (Virtual Participation) | Sinead Creaner (GetReskilled, Ireland) | Gerard Creaner (Ireland) | ||||
:: | Scoring Sentiment by Combining Emojis and Slangs in Social Media (Virtual Participation) | Songmei Yu (Felician University, United States) | |||||
:: | Time Series Modeling of Lifespans of Earth Satellites (Virtual Participation) | Richard S. Segall (Arkansas State Universiy, United States) | Venkata Jaipal Reddy Batthula; Daniel Berleant; Venkat Kodali; Michael Howell; Hyacinthe Aboudja (United States) | ||||
:: | Tourism Profiling: A Semi-automatic Classification Model of Points of Interest (Virtual Participation) | Amarildo Martins de Magalhães (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil) | Renata Maria Abrantes Baracho *; Thomas Mandl ** (* Brazil, ** Germany) | ||||
:: | Trends in Media Branding: Case of Latvia – The Younger Audience in Focus (Virtual Participation) | Deniss Sceulovs (Riga Technical University, Latvia) | Linda Saulite; Guna Janusevska; Ieva Andersone (Latvia) | ||||
:: | Use Risk Evaluation Engine Spanning IAM Lifecycle to Secure API (Virtual Participation) | Bojan Nokovic (RBC / McMaster, Canada) | Nebojsa Djosic; Salah Sharieh; Bingzhou Zheng (Canada) | ||||
:: | Value Stream Mapping: Effective Process Improvement Tool in the Certification Process (Virtual Participation) | Inga Lapina (Riga Technical University, Latvia) | Maija Kavosa (Latvia) | ||||
:: | Video Summarization Using Deep Action Recognition Features and Robust Principal Component Analysis (Virtual Participation) | Daniel M. Claborne (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, United States) | Karl T. Pazdernik; Steven J. Rysavy; Michael J. Henry (United States) | ||||
18th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2020 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Authentic Experiences: How Active Learning and User-Generated Content Can Immerse University Students in Real Life Situations (Virtual Participation) | Steven Ehrlick (Ryerson University, Canada) | Noah Schwartz; James Slotta (Canada) | ||||
:: | Curricular Aspects for Global Competencies in Engineering Education (Virtual Participation) | Mohammad Ilyas (Florida Atlantic University, United States) | |||||
:: | Educational Technology for Laboratory Experiments in Nuclear Physics and Related Sciences (Virtual Participation) | Kouichi Julian Andres Cruz (Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina) | Gustavo Lazarte; Alejandra Lucia Perez Lucero; Norma Adriana Chautemps; Walter Miguel Keil (Argentina) | ||||
:: | Enhancing Cognitive Presence through Videos in Online Courses (Virtual Participation) | Madhumita Banerjee (University of Wisconsin - Parkside, United States) | Joy Wolf; Suresh Chalasani (United States) | ||||
:: | From Concern to Validation: Educational Technology in Western Canadian K-12 During COVID-19 (Virtual Participation) | Peter Holowka (University of Calgary, Canada) | |||||
:: | Goal Setting and Executive Function Using Matrix Graphic Organizers (Virtual Participation) | Russell Jay Hendel (Towson University, United States) | |||||
:: | Semi-Automatic Ergonomic Posture Assessment with Deep Convolutional Neural Network (Virtual Participation) | Min Kim (Inha University, South Korea) | Donghyun Park; Sungwoo Kang (South Korea) | ||||
11th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2020 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | A Case Study: Incorporating Parallel and Distributed Computing into Computer Science Curriculum | O. Aljawfi (Jackson State University, United States) | A. Abu-El Humos; S. Hong; T. Pei (United States) | ||||
:: | A Conceptual Model for Sustainable Adoption of eHealth: Role of Digital Transformation Culture and Healthcare Provider's Readiness (Virtual Participation) | Manal Yunis (Lebanese American University, Lebanon) | Christine Markarian; Abdul-Nasser El-Kassar (Lebanon) | ||||
:: | A Technique for Program and Project Portfolio Prioritization: RAB2/E Matrix | Altino José Mentzingen de Moraes (Brazilian Ministry of Human Rights, Brazil) | |||||
:: | Analysis of Cyclic Deformation of Erythrocyte in Couette Type of Pulsatile Shear Field | Shigehiro Hashimoto (Kogakuin University, Japan) | Ryo Muto (Japan) | ||||
:: | Consulting via Research in IMPRESS (Virtual Participation) | Patrick Ködding (University of Paderborn, Germany) | Jannik Reinhold; Michel Scholtysik; Roman Dumitrescu (Germany) | ||||
:: | Electric Discharge - Not an Impact Caused Formation of Upheaval Dome, Canyonlands National Park, Utah | Robert Hawthorne Jr. (Salt Lake Community College, United States) | |||||
:: | I Don't Always Spread Disinformation on the Web, but When I Do I Like to Use Memes: An Examination of Memes in the Spread of Disinformation (Virtual Participation) | Marc Dupuis (University of Washington, United States) | Andrew Williams (United States) | ||||
:: | Integrating Semantic Web Technologies into Undergraduate AI Curriculum (Virtual Participation) | Neli Zlatareva (Central Connecticut State University, United States) | |||||
:: | Orthogonal Megatrend Intersections: "Coils" of a Stellar Transformer | Bruce Leybourne (Institute for Adanced Studies on Climate Change, United States) | N. Christian Smoot (United States) | ||||
:: | Overview of Basic Network Services Using IPv6-IPv4 Translation as Transition Mechanism (Virtual Participation) | Claudia Patricia Santiago Cely (Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito, Colombia) | Daniel Ospina Bedoya (Colombia) | ||||
:: | Simon Says: "Send Money" | Patrick N. Conrad (Independent Researcher, United States) | Luay A. Wahsheh (United States) | ||||
:: | System Design of WiFi-Signaling Based Accurate Occupancy Detection Scheme | Yukina Miwa (Aichi Institute of Technology, Japan) | Akari Ushiyama; Hijiri Komura; Katsuhiro Naito (Japan) | ||||
:: | The Perception of the Urban Quality of Life Index in the Context of Smart Cities | Mariana Ribeiro dos Santos Lima (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil) | Renata Maria Abrantes Baracho (Brazil) | ||||
:: | Toward a Comprehensive Smart Ecosystem Ontology – Smart Cities, Smart Buildings, Smart Life | Dagobert Soergel (University at Buffalo, United States) | Renata Maria Abrantes Baracho *; Matthew T. Mullarkey ** (* Brazil, ** United States) | ||||
11th International Conference on Society and Information Technologies: ICSIT 2020 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Understanding College Student Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence | Thomas Jeffrey (Campbellsville University, United States) | |||||
11th International Conference on Education, Training and Informatics: ICETI 2020 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | An Award Winning Multidisciplinary and Intercultural Project Developing the Employability of Students | Bob Gilmour (Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom) | |||||
:: | First Year Teacher Performance: A Review of 4+1 TEACH Cohort 1 Residents (Virtual Participation) | Jamie Thompson (Sam Houston State University, United States) | Mae Lane; Christina Ellis; Tori Hollas; Jaime Coyne (United States) | ||||
:: | First-Year Teachers' Instruction Performance in an Alternative Certification Program, 4+1 TEACH Compared to Traditionally Prepared First-Year Teachers' Instruction Performance (Virtual Participation) | Jill Pagels (Sam Houston State University, United States) | Jaime Coyne; Mae Lane; Christina Ellis; Tori Hollas (United States) | ||||
:: | Mathematics Education with Conjectures and Refutations (Virtual Participation) | Gianni Arioli (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) | |||||
:: | The Embodiment Dimension While Learning and Teaching in a Virtual World | Martine Gadille (National Center for Scientific Research - CNRS, France) | Maria Antonietta Impedovo (France) | ||||
:: | Training Based Change Management Problem for Social Innovation | Krisztina Varga (University of Miskolc, Hungary) | Mariann Somosi Veresné; György Kocziszky; Zoltán Nagy (Hungary) | ||||
Décima Novena Conferencia Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática: CISCI 2020 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Auditoría SEO de las Páginas Web de las Universidades de Ecuador (Participación Virtual) | Rosario J. Puertas-Hidalgo (Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador) | Lilia K. Carpio-Jiménez (Ecuador) | ||||
:: | Capacidad Económica Familiar y Rendimiento Académico Universitario en Apurímac, a Veinticinco Años del Fin de la Violencia Social en el Perú (Participación Virtual) | Willie Alvarez Chavez (Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas de Apurímac, Perú) | Hesmeralda Rojas Enriquez; Ronald A. Renteria Ayquipa; Evelyn N. Luque Ochoa (Perú) | ||||
:: | Clave Óptica Privada Mediante un Código QR Cifrado (Participación Virtual) | Alejandro Padrón-Godínez (Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica Óptica y Electrónica, México) | Rafael Prieto-Meléndez; Carlos G. Treviño-Palacios (México) | ||||
:: | Desarrollo de In-Room Entertainment System con LG webOS Signage para la Industria Hotelera (Participación Virtual) | Alfredo Barrientos (Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Perú) | Sergio A. Luyo; Miguel A. Chipana (Perú) | ||||
:: | Modelamiento Computacional del Flujo Sanguíneo en la Aorta usando Imágenes de TAC (Participación Virtual) | Juan P. Tello Portillo (Universidad del Norte, Colombia) | Erika L. Sugahara; María A. Gonzalez; Juan C. Velez; Cesar A. Orozco; Alberto J. Cadena (Colombia) | ||||
:: | Optimización del Proceso de Envasado en Máquinas Multicabezal con Sistemas de Doble Capa Vertical (Participación Virtual) | Rafael García-Jiménez (Universidad Simón Bolívar, Colombia) | J. Carlos García-Díaz **; Alexander D. Pulido-Rojano * (* España, ** Colombia) | ||||
:: | Sistema Predictivo de Colisiones Vehículo-Peatón a partir de Imágenes 2D (Participación Virtual) | Melany Milagros Ramos (Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Perú) | Alfredo Barrientos; Samuel Isaac Laynes (Perú) | ||||
:: | Tendencias en la Publicidad de los Medios de Comunicación Social del Ecuador (Participación Virtual) | Abel Suing (Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador) | Lilia Carpio-Jiménez; Kruzkaya Ordóñez (Ecuador) | ||||
:: | Tercera Edad y Nuevas Tecnologías – Caso de Estudio: Loja, Ecuador (Participación Virtual) | Andrea V. Velásquez–Benavides (Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador) | Eduardo V. Loaiza (Ecuador) | ||||
:: | Uso de Técnicas de Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural en el Análisis del Tratamiento Periodístico (Participación Virtual) | Kruzkaya Ordóñez (Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador) | Rolando Andrade; Lilia Carpio-Jiménez (Ecuador) | ||||
Décima Conferencia Iberoamericana de Complejidad, Informática y Cibernética: CICIC 2020 |
Title of the Paper | Presented by * | Co-author(s) | |||||
:: | Actualización Profesional Basado en el Pensamiento de Diseño y Capacidades Tecnológicas para la Innovación en Egresados de Facultades de Ingeniería Piura 2019 (Participación Virtual) | Rubén A. More Valencia (Universidad César Vallejo, Perú) | Reucher Correa Morocho (Perú) | ||||
:: | Aprendizaje Significativo: El Caso de la Computación, la Matemática y la Música | Elena F. Ruiz-Ledesma (Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México) | Rosaura Palma-Orozco; Edgar García-Leyva (México) | ||||
:: | Bosque Protector "La Prosperina": La Transformación de un Espacio Natural a un Laboratorio Vivo Inclusivo (Participación Virtual) | Andrea Y. Pino (Escuelas Superior Politénica del Litoral, Ecuador) | Lissenia I. Sornoza (Ecuador) | ||||
:: | El Rol de la Seguridad Informática en el Ámbito Académico y los Sistemas de Información Asociados | Alejandro Bogantes (Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica) | |||||
:: | Empleo del Software Smart View 4.3 como Clasificador de Escenarios para Detección de Puntos Calientes | Ítalo H. Navarrete (Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador) | Yolanda E. Llosas *; Marcos Bastida *; Daniel Díaz *; Sergio D. Cano ** (* Ecuador, ** Cuba) | ||||
:: | Empreendedorismo e Aprendizagem Significativa Aplicadas no Curso Superior de Gastronomia | Bartira Marchioratto Daloia (Centro Universitário Senac - Campos do Jordão, Brasil) | Liliane Azevedo Delage Miacci (Brasil) | ||||
:: | La Cibernética y el Periodismo en la Construcción de Herramientas para la Auditoría Cívica | Narcisa J. Medranda* and Victoria D. Palacios** (*Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Ecuador / **Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Ecuador) | |||||
:: | Los Sistemas de Información como Herramienta Indispensable en los Procesos de Autoevaluación con Carácter Interdisciplinario | Ariana Acon-Matamoros and Aurora Trujillo-Cotera (Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica) | |||||
:: | M-commerce con Interfaz de Usuario de Voz para Pequeñas Empresas Minoristas (Participación Virtual) | Rosario del Pilar Villalta Riega (Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Perú) | Joset Manihuari Yaricahua; Luis Angel Rojas Ccorimanya (Perú) | ||||
:: | O Uso do Robô nos Pregões Públicos e o Princípio da Isonomia | Sebastião Helvecio Ramos de Castro (Instituto Rui Barbosa e Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil) | |||||
:: | Plataforma Tecnológica para Implementar Internet de las Cosas en Empresas del Sector Vitivinícola Peruano (Participación Virtual) | Daniel A. Subauste (Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Perú) | Yordy R. Chuchón; Antony M. Becerra; Rosario Del Pilar Villalta (Perú) | ||||
:: | Potencial Sistêmico de Situações Problemas em Biologia | Gustavo M. Leme, Letícia G. Donegá and Magda M. Pechliye (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brasil) | |||||
:: | Tecnologias e Formação Docente: Trabalhos com Gêneros Textuais da Cultura Digital nos Bancos Universitários | Valéria Martins (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brasil) | |||||
:: | TP-OIE-ES: Método Autónomo de Extracción de Relaciones Semánticas para la Web en Español (Participación Virtual) | Juan M. Rodríguez (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina) | Hernán D. Merlino (Argentina) | ||||
:: | Uso de la Tecnología como Estrategia de Relacionamiento con la Sociedad en los Adultos Mayores (Participación Virtual) | Mónica-Patricia Costa-Ruiz (Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador) | Verónica-Alexandra Armijos-Buitrón; Jhoana-Elizabeth Paladines-Benítez (Ecuador) | ||||
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* In the case of virtual participation, the registered author is the one indicated. |